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Happy Bookiversary, Unmatched!

Holy crap! It's been a year since I hit publish on my debut novel, Unmatched. It's still crazy to think that books I write and characters I've created and love are out there for other people to see...and that readers are still coming back for more books! It's not just my friends and family reading my stories. And thank goodness for that, because I had quite a few family members tell me how surprised they were at how hot my books were. Ah family...I appreciate that you took the time to read my first can stop now.

I'm amazed every time a reader tells me that they read my book...and liked it! Most of us authors are introverted. Makes total sense for people who don't like to people to put ourselves, and our hearts, out for the public to see, and judge. Who thought that was a good idea?!

As a writer, you spend so much time perfecting your craft and writing that first book...not the actual first book, because that sucker is buried under the bed, where it will remain for eternity. Let's just say that it was a regency historical and I described my debutante heroine's presentation at Court...down to the very last feather on her headpiece.

Yeah, that sucker isn't going anywhere!

So, you write the book that you know you're going to publish. That first book that more than just your friends and critique partners will see. And you go through edits, and beta reads, and proofreads, and formatting, and then you hit publish. It's scary as fuck. There's not sugar coating that. What if no one reads it? Or worse...what if they read it and they think it's the biggest pile of nonsense they've ever encountered? And then they tell you how they feel about it....

I mentioned that most of us are introverts, right? And you're still asking why we sign up for this craziness.

It's because the stories are in our heads and we want them out there in the world. To share with everyone. Sometimes we need a break from the crazy. A few hours' escape. To read about love and hope, because that is what romance novels are at their core. So if I've managed to put a smile on your face, or make you fall in love, I've succeeded.

So thank you to the readers that took a chance on a new author. Who wanted to see just how much trouble a single mom and a rescue swimmer could get into over a plate of Tiramisu.

And if you haven't read Lexi and Grant's story, Unmatched is on sale for a limited time, until July 6th. I hope you fall in love with them as much as I did. And I hope you have food nearby. I've heard this book makes readers hungry.

And stay tuned for my latest book, Skating the Line, which will be out in September.

Thank you again for taking a chance on a new author!

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