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Why am I the only one in a Christmas shirt?

Yes it's August. Yes it's like 90+ degrees out. But this week was all about Christmas. Okay, not really. But we did take our niece and nephew to Santa's Village in NH.

I LOVE themed's shirt says "I'm a writer, I do not tolerate reality," so of course, I wore a Christmas shirt to Santa's Village. That should be a requirement, right? I know it's a theme park filled with stressed out parents and screaming kids, but someone else had to be having fun with the theme, aside from the people that actually worked there. You'd be wrong, since I'm pretty sure no one else had a Christmas shirt on.

I present exhibit A:

I left the elf hat at home. Didn't want to go overboard!

And PSA of the day...if you ever find yourself in Santa's Village...the one in NH...not the real one...don't hug the penguin statues. They are not decor, they are trash cans. Hey, Santa's Village, maybe some better signage would be a good idea. (Please note that I did not hug the trash niece did! They are not labeled at all!)

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