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Cover reveal day is here!

So excited to share the cover for my upcoming release, Last Call.

Cover design can be tricky when you are self-published because you want the perfect cover and you don't necessarily want to spend a shit ton on custom photos. It also helps if you have an amazing cover designer, which I do! And she's super patient with me as I nitpick EVERYTHING! From a scary goatee that made me ask how that cover model ever got laid (we ditched that pic!) to removing accessories and darkening the check in his shirt so he doesn't look like he's wearing a gingham tablecloth!

I wanted them to be leaning into each other, similar to my Unmatched cover and I wanted it in a bar since Adam owns a bar and the book is called Last Call. It's surprising how few bar themed stock photos there are that fit the bill. Tons of people find lust in bars...they just don't take stock photos of that! I didn't want sleazy, or something that looked like it belonged in a JcPenney catalog!

I love my cover. The ombre title, how her shirt is a little blingy since it's a December release (but Christmas isn't mentioned since the book ends in November), and especially how they are looking into each other's eyes. Lily and Adam definitely look at each other like that!

Now you just have to wait until December 9th to get this amazing cover (and hopefully the equally awesome story inside of it)! And you can add Last Call to your TBR on Goodreads.

Happy Reading!

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